Saturday, October 4, 2014

amanda bynes DUI and mystery face band-aid....

amanda bynes band-aid DUI
Here's my suggestion to avoid further DUI's.  If you're gonna wear a band-aid on your face... might as well make it useful in avoiding DUI's.  good luck band-aid... good luck.

image source:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Beyonce photoshops her thighs.... check out these thigh gaps.

Beyonce photoshops thighs
 no cankles there

Beyonce thigh gap

i think her legs are doing the WAAAVE.

Unmodified Photo sources:

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

hey girl.... it's a girl

hey girl meme

I'm talking of course about the new birth of Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes' baby girl....
Here's a suggestion for a birth announcement that they can send out to all their friends.  pic of baby not necessary.  pic of Gosling is.

photo source:

Kendall Jenner BEFORE AND AFTER - anyone else notice that she only gives pissed off looks since she's a real model now. I decided to be nice and help her out and give her a friendly looking smile.

kendall jenner model

See more before and after (before real model, and after real model) pictures after the break:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ryan "hey girl" Gosling...

hey girl gosling

Anybody else getting sick of this meme?  Btw - what's with the hair?  It's like a shorter Donald Trump.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Christina "Periods" Aguilera is a bloody mess.

Christina Aguilera period
is that because of a spray tan too?
My last post on Christina perioding during Etta James' memorial seems popular.... so here we are again... blaming spray tans for Aunt Flo's visit.

more after the break...........